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Oscar Predictions 2014

Sunday, March 2nd, 2014

Hi guys, its been a long time. As you know, tonight is my favorite night of award season. The OSCARS! The O in EGOT (which by the way we could possibly have a new member of this society tonight). With careful thought I’ve strategized about who could be taking home those coveted golden statues tonight. My predictions are below.


Best Picture: 12 Years A Slave

Of all the films nominated, this one got critical acclaim all across the board. Its also my favorite of the nominated films. It was so powerful. For that emotion alone, it deserves this award and it will more than likely take it.

Best Actor: Matthew McConughey (Dallas Buyers Club)

Matthew is a great actor and I’m very impressed with the films that he’s choosing to do these days. While he’s not who I would prefer to win (I want Leo or Chiwetel), I’m nearly positive he will take this. His transformation was unreal.

Best Actress: Cate Blanchett (Blue Jasmine)

Blue Jasmine may not have been the best film but in terms of performance. Cate nailed it. The movie made me realize how great of an actress she is, I was familiar with her work but this proved to me why she’s good. She played a great self centered character and the last scene alone sealed could garner her the award.

Best Supporting Actor: Jared Leto

I may feel a different way about Matthew for this same film but not with Jared. He deserves this award. He went through a transformation that made him unrecognizable but he also backed it up with a strong performance. This award is his.

Best Supporting Actress: Lupita Nyong’o 

This is Lupita’s year. She’s starring in the #1 film right now and she’s looked at as a beauty/style icon. Her performance as Patsy in “12 Years A Slave” broke my heart and I knew she was gonna be a force this season. She’s got the hype but also the talent. Lupita without a doubt will go home with a golden statue tonight!

Best Animated Feature: Frozen

This movie just crossed the BILLION dollar mark and has all the hype (and overhype) in the world. Enough said.

Best Director: Alfonso Cuaron (Gravity)

Alfonso had a challenge with Gravity and he ended up delivering a great product. This is his.

Best Original Score: Steven Price (Gravity)

I choose the score of this film because after I saw the movie, I actually loved the score so much that I worked out to it a few times (ha). But it was really good and definitely the best of the nominees. It was tense and matched the emotion of the film quite well.

Sidenote: I’m still shocked that Hans Zimmer wasn’t nominated.

Best Original Song: “Let It Go” (Frozen)

Again, for the film being hyped. The same goes for this song. However its exciting that the composer, Robert Lopez, could become the next EGOT if he wins tonight. You know I’m all for that accomplishment! I’d love for Pharrell to win for “Happy” but with him getting more and more calls to score movies, his day will come soon.

Best Visual Effects: Gravity

I seriously thought I was in space watching Gravity. It has to take it.

Best Adapted Screenplay: 12 Years A Slave

John Ridley will win an Oscar tonight.

Best Original Screenplay: Her

This was probably the most creative script this year and I believe the Academy will recognize that.

Best Cinematography: Gravity

Once again, I thought I was in space while watching this movie.

Best Costume Design: The Great Gatsby

While I enjoyed the film, critics didn’t feel the same. However, in this category, I don’t think there’s any competition. The fashion and style of the film were dazzling and head on.

Best Production Design: The Great Gatsby

I think TGG will take this because of the lavish sets. They probably had the most work to do creating that world which was so layered and beautiful on screen. This award is theirs.